
Over the past few years, I have gotten really into nail designs. I’ll get an idea in my head and try to figure out how I could translate my thoughts into images I can put on my nails. Some of my ideas get a little crazy and I often bite off more than I can chew. I have learned to always keep the nail polish remover handy. My friends and co-workers know me as a nail polish addict and my collection of polishes has grown into the hundreds.

This blog will showcase my own nail design ideas and other designs that I have attempted. I will list some of the nail polishes and products that I used so you can try the designs on your own nails. I am in no way a professional and all of these designs are easily duplicated so don’t be afraid to try. Practice makes perfect! My best advice I can give you is to try your best and to make each design your own. Customize the detail in the design to your personal skill level. You won’t believe the reaction you get when a little extra effort is put in.

I hope this blog inspires you to create some of your own nail art. Have fun!

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